Thu Dec 27 06:03:17 PST 2018

Entry Pages that Convert
Poor pagination and other similar problems sometimes cause large dynamic sites to
waste much of their link authority on pages that provide search spiders with little
unique content or value. If these pages rank in the search results over more
focused pages on your site, then you may have a much lower conversion rate than
would otherwise be attainable if that link equity was focused on a higher quality
Optimizing Your Page Copy
Optimize Each Page
One of the most important things to understand is that each page is its own unit
and has its own ranking potential and its own relevant keywords. Usually a home
page has more value than the other pages, since it is typically the easiest place to
build links to. Home pages should generally be optimized for the most relevant
competitive keyword phrases in your market that you feel you would be able to
rank for. Interior pages should be optimized for other relevant phrases that relate
to the content of each page.
There are many things to optimize on each page. We already went through how to
choose your keywords, page titles, and meta tags. Within each page, there is also
content that can be optimized.
On-the-Page Optimization Only Goes So Far
When optimizing a page for competitive terms, the bulk of the ranking algorithm
will be based upon link analysis. Effective link building has no limit to how
much it can help your rankings.
Some people think that more is better, and more is better, and more is better. This
is not true with on-the-page keyword density, and additionally, some search
algorithms may discount artificial links that are created in quick bursts.
The algorithms for grading page copy are based on a bell curve. Some pages will
have near-perfect term weights. But after some point, added placement of certain
words does not make a page any more relevant; in fact, it can make a page become
less relevant.
Imagine a page that starts its page title, meta description, first header, first
paragraph, and second paragraph all with the same word. Does that sound like
natural quality information? Or perhaps more like someone trying to game the
relevancy algorithms?
So the point is, you have to mix it up. Sure, make the page title ultra-relevant, but
don?t forget to use a few subheaders that might not be keyword rich, and don?t
I do not worry about
keyword density.
I simply use descriptive
page titles, semantically-
related headers and sub
headers, and descriptive
internal linking to help
search engines understand
what my pages are about.

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