Fri Jan 18 06:03:11 PST 2019

will continue to get more difficult. Inevitably, influencing people directly (instead
of going after the algorithms) is going to have a higher ROI for many webmasters.
How do you create a natural linkage profile? Create something that lots of people
link to without you needing to ask them. Build a real brand that will get people?s
How do you write optimized content? Make the page title clear and then write
content remarkable enough that people will want to reference it.
Social Considerations
No matter how smart you are, it is going to be hard to emulate a natural link profile
if you manually build it all. Going forward, the key to doing well in Google is
earning natural citations. If you didn?t own your site, would you still visit it every
week? What can you do to grab bloggers? attention? What can you do to make
some of your competitors want to link to your site without you needing to ask for
the links?
Closing Tips
The web is nothing but a big social network. SEO was my entry to the web, but I
have bigger hopes, dreams, and goals in mind. No matter what your goals are,
SEO can help you get there from the start. But at some point, it will be necessary
for you to find ways to get other people to want to syndicate your ideas. It's kind
of like what Abe Lincoln was saying when he said, ?With public sentiment, nothing
can fail. Without it, nothing can succeed.?
I am somewhat altruistic in that I believe if you study and do what you are
interested in (even if it is on the side to start), then eventually it will drive you
toward success.
I also want to share a quote with you from Weaving the Web by one my favorite web
personalities, and the man who created the Web, Tim Berners-Lee:
People have sometimes asked me whether I am upset that I have not
made a lot of money from the Web. In fact, I made some quite
conscious decisions about which way to take my life. These I would
not change - though I am making no comment on what I might do in
the future. What does distress me, though, is how important a
question it seems to be to some. This happens mostly in America,
not Europe. What is maddening is the terrible notion that a person?s
value depends on how important and financially successful they are,
and that that is measured in terms of money. That suggests
disrespect for the researchers across the globe developing ideas for
the next leaps in science and technology. Core in my upbringing was
a value system that put monetary gain well in its place, behind things
like doing what I really want to do. To use net worth as a criterion by
which to judge people is to set our children?s? sights on cash rather
than on things that will actually make them happy.

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Tue May 18 12:07:08 CDT 2021