Thu Jan 03 01:02:15 PST 2019

helps tell a story, reinforces my brand, and seems like it would be a competitive
term. It also helps target my sales letter toward newer webmasters.
When people are new, they tend to be hungry and are willing to work hard to earn
a living. One time I formatted this e-book for about four hours so that a person
with poor vision could read it. I was hungry and wanted to help them.
Sometimes people who download this e-book have the page freeze up during
download, or something goes wrong in the payment processing cycle. When
problems occur, I provide customer service as quickly as possible. I never blame
the customer because technology messes up. Blaming them would leave a bad
If I provide a quick, courteous response within a couple of minutes, that is
remarkable, and means they will be more inclined to think my product is good and
say nice things about me.
One time I ordered something from a person who has been an Internet marketing
guru for about a decade. The download did not work. His support team told me
that I was all screwed up and that I needed to white list their e-mail address. Seems
to me they knew what the problem was (them getting blacklisted for being e-mail
, so why blame me?
A large part of the bad reputation the Internet marketing field gets is due to
marketers working harder at marketing than at creating a relevant useful product in
the changing marketplace and following through with quality customer support.
Customer support is a large part of the story customers will tell other prospective
Being Remarkable
Another one of Seth?s books is called Purple Cow. The thesis of the book is that
things that are remarkable are worthy of being remarked upon. A link is nothing
but a citation or a remark, so if you figure out how to create ideas or products that
are remarkable, people will talk about you and the links will follow.
Semi-Official Article Names
Many people link to things using their official names. When you write an article,
you can create an article name that is somewhat keyword rich to help pick up links
with those words in the link text. After time passes and you have a few links, you
can change the title to pick up slightly different terms in the link text, or to create
an article title that is more descriptive and compelling.
Sometimes I create bizarre names to force people to mix the anchor text. For
example, when I created my keyword research tool I called it something like
?Google and Yahoo!?s Overture Suggestion Keyword Research Tool.? People
linked to it using all sorts of combinations of those keywords, and I rank in the top

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