Wed Jan 02 05:03:19 PST 2019

information of their own, so they need to make their results as informational as
possible to leverage the value created by small, independent publishers to get bigger
publishing companies to want to give up more of their content.
Yahoo! is perhaps the single largest content site on the web. They do not mind if
their search results are a bit biased toward commercial results because they ideally
want people to read, use, and share Yahoo! content.
Yahoo! and Spam
Yahoo! actively edits spam out of their search results. If someone with whom you
are competing is not complying with Yahoo!?s guidelines, you may want to point
that out to Yahoo!. There is a chance that Yahoo! will remove your competitor?s
site if they deem it as spam. Again, most of the time it is recommended that you
do not use spam reports unless you are prepared for webmasters to play hardball.
Since it is easy to get de-listed via a manual review, it is suggested that you not use
overly aggressive, spammy techniques to achieve top Yahoo! placement unless you
can afford to burn the URL. Also, do not submit your site to their paid inclusion
program if it does not have original and unique content or if your site may be
rejected and removed from their search index.
If your site gets de-indexed from Yahoo! and you think it was due to not following
their editorial guidelines, then clean up the spammy stuff and submit your site to
the Yahoo! Search Submit Express program. Submitting your site will get it
reviewed and re-crawled by Yahoo! Slurp if the editors see your site has been fixed.
If your page was removed and you cannot afford Yahoo! Search Submit Express,
read the Yahoo! spam guidelines (

and request a site review at If
that does not work you can email them at
Additionally, Yahoo! has a search help page that may help answer some of your
questions about their search technology:
Yahoo! and Affiliate Web Sites
Yahoo! tries to edit out many of the ?site in a box?-type affiliate sites as well as any
content that does not add value to your search experience. Yahoo! does not hate
affiliate websites, they hate unoriginal, replicated content, as it degrades the quality
of their search results if a searcher sees the same things over and over again.
It does not hurt you to have affiliate links on your website as long as you also have
some original content. It is also worth noting that some search engines may also
have custom algorithms designed to detect and demote thin affiliate sites.
The Problems With Yahoo!?s Technology

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