Wed Jan 23 08:03:10 PST 2019


Ask Search Distribution
Ask has a distribution of around 3% of the U.S. search through Lycos,,
Excite, My Way, and iWon. For a number of years, My Way was the default home
page on Dell computers, but more recently Google partnered with Dell.
InterActiveCorp bought out Ask and cross promotes Ask on their other properties
such as,, and
On the Ask site, they blend Google AdWords ads at the beginning of search results
on highly commercial terms. You can also buy Ask pay-per-click ads directly. Ask
will display internal ads for a particular search query only if they feel they will make
more money from them than from running AdWords ads. Ask also sells banner-
based advertising and Kelkoo product ads for some of their more expensive words.
Pay-per-click advertising is covered further in the ?pay-per-click? section of this e-
book. I probably would not recommend buying Ask ads directly unless you have
some compelling reason to believe they would have a significant volume of high-
quality traffic for your keywords.
Below is a screenshot of the results part of an Ask results page:

What is Teoma and How Does it Work?
Teoma is the search engine that powers Ask. In early 2006, Ask killed the Teoma
brand and the website, but Teoma is still the search technology used
to power Ask.

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Tue May 18 12:07:08 CDT 2021