
52 • You probably do not want to use the same WHOIS data on a large number of sites if the sites are made with deceptive intent. Additionally, you may want to register sites at a variety of registrars so that there is no discernible pattern. If you register a ton of your domains via proxy and cross link them, that too can look somewhat suspicious. Registering Domains I usually register my domains at because they have reasonable prices. Please note that GoDaddy has a shady policy of holding domains hostage if they suspect you of using the domain to spam. It has not hit me yet, but many of the more aggressive search marketers recommend If you know you want to stick with a domain name for an extended period of time, it makes sense to register the domain for a number of years. Many low-quality crash-and-burn type sites are not registered for a number of years, so some search systems may give a small amount of additional trust to domain names that are registered through many years. Domain Registration versus Hosting I like to keep hosting and registration separate. Whenever you register a domain, make sure you register it at an ICANN accredited registrar. Whenever you host a domain use a reliable host. It is usually a bad idea to cross the two. When people register a site at a host, it may be hard to renew registration if you want to change hosting providers. Buy hosting from a host and not from a registrar. Many registrars do not have good technical support and do not place enough value on their hosted clients either. Hosting Problems With Bad Hosting There are a ton of unreliable hosts on the web. Hosting is one thing I recommend spending good money on. If your site goes down, you may lose customers, and search engines may not be able to index your site. Some extremely low-quality hosts will place hundreds or thousands of domains on a single IP address on a single server. This may cause system lag and overload the server.

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