
36 Search Algorithm Shifts Search engines such as Google and Yahoo! may update their algorithm dozens of times per month. When you see rapid changes in your rankings, it is usually due to an algorithmic shift, a search index update, or something else outside of your control. SEO is a marathon, not a sprint, and some of the effects take a while to kick in. Usually, if you change something on a page, it is not reflected in the search results that same day. Linkage data also may take a while to have an effect on search relevancy as search engines need to find the new links before they can evaluate them, and some search algorithms may trust links more as the links age. The key to SEO is to remember that rankings are always changing, but the more you build legitimate signals of trust and quality, the more often you will come out on top. Relevancy Wins Distribution! The more times a search leads to desired content, the more likely a person is to use that search engine again. If a search engine works well, a person does not just come back, they also tell their friends about it, and they may even download the associated toolbar. The goal of all major search engines is to be relevant. If they are not, they will fade (as many already have). Search Engine Business Model Search engines make money when people click on the sponsored advertisements. In the search result below you will notice that both Viagra and Levitra are bidding on the term Viagra. The area off to the right displays sponsored advertisements for the term Viagra. Google gets paid whenever a searcher clicks on any of the sponsored listings. The white area off to the left displays the organic (free) search results. Google does not get paid when people click on these. Google hopes to make it hard for search engine optimizers (like you and I) to manipulate these results to keep relevancy as high as possible and to encourage people to buy ads. Later in this e-book we will discuss both organic optimization and pay-per-click marketing.

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