Creating a Link Network
In 2006, Google really started pushing up the rewards for having an authority
domain, so creating many smaller sites in link networks is generally not as
profitable as it once was.
One of the biggest benefits of creating mini sites is that it allows you to segregate
risks, business models, and audience profiles.
• If a company you affiliate with would not like to associate their brand
with an aggressive and cheesy viral link campaign, then you might be
able to use that link campaign to build up a feeder site not directly
associated with the monetization model.
• If you are using an aggressive or underhanded marketing technique,
making it look as though some independent affiliate was responsible is
another way to shield your brand from damage due to questionable
tactics. Just look at how many content spammers Google pays to
clutter up Yahoo! and MSN search results with spammy AdSense sites.
• If you wanted to tap a market and a group that hates that market it
would be hard to do both using a single brand and domain.

Creating link networks can be an effective SEO technique if done correctly, though
if your link renting or site networks are done exclusively to manipulate search
results, and they are easily detectable, you may get penalized by algorithms or
human editors employed by search engines.
Linking a bunch of small sites together also shows up easily if you do not have a
bunch of different external links pointing into your link network. Many search
engines also have the ability to devalue links from the same C block IP range or
from the same owner. Make sure if you do this that your sites look legitimate and
unique, or that you use mixed WhoIs data, various hosts for different sites, and
many links pointing into your sites from outside your network.
If you create link networks and do not have original, useful content on each site
(and reasons for creating the many sites), then you are taking a risk that your site
may be removed from search results.
Hidden Text
While it is sometimes hard for a search engine to find, fellow webmasters may rat
you out to the search engines for hiding text. Hidden text usually exists on sites
that have other problems as well. If the search engines find it, they may drop the
Keyword stuffing and using invisible text adds little on the reward side; there are
far more effective SEO techniques to use.

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