Thu Jan 03 23:02:44 PST 2019

reputation are through the roof?.getting an ad on a page like
that gives the trust and reputation a straight line to your

If you want a link to pass authority to boost your search engine rankings, get links
from within the content area of pages that are voted for by many legitimate
resources. It is also best if these pages are virgin in nature, meaning
? No other SEOs are renting links from the page yet.
? Many of the inbound links are from legitimate governmental,
educational, or news organizations who do not typically consider SEO
when linking.
? The webmaster has not yet heard of what SEO is and thinks they are
just selling you ad space.
How do you find the most authoritative pages on a site? If you do a site: search on
Yahoo!, typically the results are returned in order of importance. Look at the top
few pages from the site to see if they look like they would be important pages and
why they would be important. Then check their link authority either using the
Yahoo! Site Explorer, the Yahoo! ?link:? function, or another backlink analysis tool
like SEO for Firefox.
Single Links versus Run-of-Site Links
If you discovered a virgin area of the web and want to keep your link buy under the
radar, it is probably best to find the single most important page from which to get a
link, instead of placing a site-wide link.
If you buy links, you need to consider the direct advertising effect and the indirect
search relevancy effect. Some sites will rent you a single link for $75 or let you
have a link on every page of their site for $200. Frequently, the prices for single
links and site-wide links are exceptionally close to one another. Most of the link
renting I have done has been done more for direct traffic, and thus I usually did
site-wide sponsorship from relevant sites.

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